Infection Prevention & Control Resources

Long-Term Care
Course Objectives
At the completion of the course, participants will be able to
Understand the role of the Infection Preventionist in the long-term care setting
Set up an Infection Prevention & Control Program in a long-term care facility​ including the following components:
Who Should Attend This Course
This course is a comprehensive training for Infection Preventionists (IPs) in Long-Term Care. It meets the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) requirement for training of persons in that role. The course is open to anyone interested in this training but is most helpful to Long-Term Care persons who are serving, or interested, in the following capacities:
Infection Preventionists
Directors of Nursing
Directors of Staff Development
Medical Directors
Course Syllabus
Regulations for Infection Prevention and Control in long-term care
Expertise and Knowledge Needed to be an Effective Infection Preventionist
The Infection Preventionist and the Infection Prevention and Control Program
Program Assessment, Gap Analysis, Action Plan
Creating a Comprehensive Outcome Surveillance Program
McGeer Surveillance Criteria​
Surveillance Case Studies
Interactive Exercise
How to Use Surveillance Logs
Outcome Surveillance Calculations
Microbiology Essentials for the Infection Preventionist
Multi-Drug Resistant (MDRO) and Novel Organisms, Clostridioides difficile
Principles of Adult Education
HAI Prevention Strategies
QAPI Tools
Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP)
Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Outbreak Management
What is Considered an Outbreak​
Outbreak Flowchart
Creating a Comprehensive Process Surveillance Program
- ​Process Surveillance Checklists
- Developing an Effective Hand Hygiene Program
- Infection Prevention and the Environment​
- Environmental Rounds Exercise
Common Infectious Diseases Seen in Long-Term Care
Aerosol Transmissible Disease (ATD) and Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Plans
Healthcare Personnel and Resident Safety
Survey Survival Tips
Putting It All Together​​