Infection Prevention & Control Resources
Long-Term Care
Shaping the Future of Infection Prevention in Long-Term Care
Infection Prevention & Control Resources is offering
Basic Training for Infection Prevention & Control in Long-Term Care
The basic training is a comprehensive two-day course that is designed to provide Infection Preventionists (IPs) in long-term care facilities with the basic tools required to perform their job.
At the end of the course, participants will receive a Certificate of Training in Infection Prevention and Control; Nursing and NHAP continuing education credits are offered.
Completion of this course by a facility's IP complies with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) mandate for training for Infection Prevention and Control Officers.
While the course is directed at IPs, it has also been found helpful for Directors of Nursing, Administrators, Directors of Staff Development, and other leaders in long-term care facilities.
The advanced programs include a deeper dive into current topics relevant to today's Infection Preventionist. Several advanced programs are offered featuring various pertinent topics.
The advanced courses are recommended for Infection Preventionists, as well as all licensed nurses working in long-term care. It is also helpful for Directors of Nursing, Administrators, Pharmacists, and Medical Staff Directors to attend.
The advanced programs are not intended to be considered in lieu of the basic training and will not satisfy the CMS mandate for training in Infection Prevention and Control Officers.
July 2017 Ukiah 3 | June 2017 CDPH | March 2017 | All Handouts Cover Page | IMG_2225.JPG |
DSC08656 | floating frame front | DSC08654 | DSC08714 | DSC08686 |
February 2018 food | DSC08757 | DSC08687 | DSC08658 | Certificates |
DSC08773 | DSC08661 | June 2018 food | Sysco | March 2018 game |
March 2018 setup | October 2018 quote to use |